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Voting Is Virtually Completed on Constitutional Amendments
08 Jun 1998 23:20:47
Voting Is Virtually Completed
on Constitutional Amendments
by Jerry L. Van Marter
LOUISVILLE, Ky.-Less than a handful of presbytery votes are still
unrecorded on the 22 amendments to the "Book of Order" proposed by last
year's General Assembly. No more than four votes are still outstanding on
any of the overtures.
Of the 22 amendments, 17 were ratified by the presbyteries and five
were defeated. A simple majority of the 173 presbyteries is needed to
amend the "Book of Order."
The amendments and the voting results:
Amendment A - to replace the "fidelity and chastity" language of
G-6.0106b with "fidelity and integrity" - failed, 57-114
Amendment B.1 - to add to the responsibilities of elders in G-6.0304
"They should assist in worship" - passed, 138-34
Amendment B.2 - to expand the role of deacons in G-6.0402 to include
ministry to those outside the church and suggest roles the session may
delegate to them, including leading worship and assisting with the Lord's
Supper - passed, 129-43
Amendment B.3 - to allow congregations to commission deacons
individually to particular tasks apart from a Board of Deacons (G-6.0403) -
passed, 105-67
Amendment B.4 - to clarify and diversify which specialized ministries
are necessary for the ordering of the church's life and thus which
ministers should be continuing members of a presbytery (G-11.0403) -
passed, 123-49
Amendment B.5 - to add questions to candidates for ordination as
ministers (G-14.0405b), one of which would emphasize the witness to God's
reign in the world and one of which would emphasize study and preparation
for preaching and administering the sacraments - failed, 57-115
Amendment B.6.a - a companion amendment to Amendment B.3 reaffirming
term and consecutive years of service limits on Board of Deacons members
(G-14.0201a) - passed, 105-67
Amendment B.6.b - to allow a congregation to have two classes of
elders and/or deacons serving two-year terms rather than the current three
classes serving three-year terms (G-14.0201a) - passed, 104-68
Amendment C.1 - to require that committees on representation not be
merged with other committees or submerged as subcommittees of other
committees (G-9.0105) - passed, 116-55
Amendment C.2 - to prohibit any exception to the requirement that
each governing body above the session elect a committee on representation
(G-9.0106) - passed, 99-72
Amendment C.3 - to require presbytery and synod nominating committees
to consult annually with either their own committee on representation or
that of the next higher governing body (G-9.0801c) - passed, 109-61
Amendment D - to allow per capita apportionments to cover a greater
portion of the presbytery, synod or General Assembly budget and to allow
undesignated mission dollars to be used for ecclesiastical or operating
expenses (G-9.0404) - failed, 77-91-2
Amendment E - to add dealing with issues of domestic violence to the
responsibilities of presbyteries and synods (G-11.0103 and G-12.0102) -
failed, 54-114-1
Amendment F - to allow a congregation to call a designated pastor as
pastor after two years rather than the current three years of the
designated pastor relationship (G-14.0501g) - passed, 158-13
Amendment G - to allow a parish associate to remain after the pulpit
becomes vacant (G-14.0515a and G-14.0515d) - failed, 83-88
Amendment H - to require with no exceptions that commissioned lay
pastors be elders (G-14.0801c) - passed, 126-45
Amendment I - to move definitions for "shall," "is to be/are to be,"
"should," "is appropriate" and "may" from the Preface to the "Directory for
Worship" to the Preface to the "Book of Order" - passed, 155-16
Amendment J - to allow both parties in remedial (D-7.0301) and
disciplinary (D-11.0301) cases to appear before the Permanent Judicial
Commission and be represented by counsel (currently only the complainant is
specified in remedial cases and only the accused in disciplinary cases) -
passed, 169-1
Amendment K - to allow charges to be filed in regard to alleged
sexual abuse offenses occurring before June 10, 1989, the current statute
of limitations (D-10.0401a) - passed, 132-36-1
Amendment L - to add a fourth level of censure - rebuke with
supervised rehabilitation - under the Rules of Discipline (D-12) - passed,
Amendment M - to add language to G-15.0201 and G-15.0302 to enable
the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to be in "full communion" with other
churches in general - passed, 168-3
Amendment N - to adopt "A Formula of Agreement" with the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America, the United Church of Christ and the Reformed
Church in America in accordance with G-15.0302 - passed, 168-3
(The Rev. Bill Lancaster of "The Presbyterian Outlook" contributed to this
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