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Chaplains' Council Honors Retiree

Date 18 Jun 1998 10:35:08

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Chaplains' Council Honors Retiree 
by Midge Mack 
CHARLOTTE, N.C.--The Presbyterian Council for Chaplains and Military 
Personnel,  the only pan-Presbyterian  organization where different brands 
of Presbyterians cooperate,   this week honored Lt. Col. James Snyder, 
USAF, who has retired after more than 26 years of active duty in the 
    Snyder's most recent post was with the Defense Equal Opportunity 
Management Institute (DEOMI) at Patrick Air Force Base, Cape Canaveral, 
Florida. DEOMI parallels an EEO Council in civilian life, and Snyder 
carried out sensitivity training relating to  women and minorities for all 
    Snyder will leave immediately after the Assembly for Wisconsin where he 
will serve the First Presbyterian Church of Abbotsford in Winnebago 
Presbytery.  He will be received into membership when the presbytery meets 
next week.  Executive Presbyter Lucy Rupe Watt joined the Chaplains' 
Council, Snyder, and his wife, Mary Anne, for the retirement celebration 
here at which Snyder was presented with a plaque. 
    As usual,  says Mary Anne,  in military life, she's in charge of moving 
the household, which she plans to do this coming week. 
    The Presbyterian Chaplaincy Council includes Cumberland,  Associate 
Reform,  Presbyterian Church in America and PCUSA  Presbyterians.  There 
are 160 Presbyterian chaplains of which 140 are PCUSA. The Council serves 
them as the PCUSA Churchwide Personnel Services serves pastors, assisting 
them with relocations and in finding positions after retirement from 
military service. The Council also considers itself to be a "missionary" 
operation as most "parishioners" of chaplains are unchurched persons barely 
out of their teens.  "In fact," said Snyder, "the military is the largest 
youth group in the world." 

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