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Purves Calls for Re-Emphasis on Doctrine

Date 18 Jun 1998 12:45:48

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Purves Calls for Re-Emphasis on Doctrine 
at Presbyterians for Renewal Breakfast 
    by Bill Lancaster 
CHARLOTTE, N.C.-Andrew Purves, professor of pastoral theology at Pittsburgh 
Theological Seminary, called for a renewed emphasis on doctrine before a 
large crowd at the Presbyterians for Renewal breakfast June 17. 
    He recalled his favorite hymn, an Irish one called "St Patrick's Breast 
Plate," about Patrick lacing his tunic in the morning while rehearsing the 
great doctrines of the faith.  "I bind unto myself today, the strong name 
of the trinity, by invocation of the same, the three in one and one in 
three," he quoted the hymn.  The hymn then followed a recitation of the 
great doctrines of the faith, as lacing his tunic, "he wrapped himself with 
the armor of God--atonement, incarnation, resurrection, cross, and so 
forth," he said. 
    "Are we a church securely bound by the great doctrines of our faith?" 
he asked.  "We cannot be faithful in serving the mission of the church if 
we are unfaithful in doctrine.  While we are a church reformed and always 
being reformed--and don't forget the end of that sentence, `according to 
the word of God'--we also stand within the catholicity of the church, 
holding to what has been believed everywhere always and by all."  He said 
doctrine is not static but open to reformulating, but neither is it fluid. 
    The Bell-Mackay Prize this year was awarded to J.  Christy and Betty 
Wilson, long-time Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) missionaries to Afghanistan. 
Christy Wilson told a moving story about a blind Afghan man who became a 
Christian, took on a powerful leadership role in the church, but was 
tortured and killed for his faith in his thirties.  Clayton Bell presented 
the prize. 
    The Lydia Fund Award was presented to Kellie Lynn Frye, a student at 
Fuller Theological Seminary, by former Lydia Award recipient Tracie 

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