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EA NEWS: Age of Consent at 14?
"EAUK Press Office" <>
22 Jun 1998 02:54:08
Title: Age of Consent at 14?
Embargoed: 0001Hrs, 21st June 1998
A reduction in the age of consent for homosexuals to 16 could be a
step towards lowering the general age of consent even further in years
to come, according to the Evangelical Alliance UK.
Gay-rights group Outrage make no secret of their desire to set the age
of consent at 14.
Martyn Eden, public affairs director of the Evangelical Alliance said:
"Arguments about equality and justice sound very plausible from a
distance but we fear a vote to lower the age of consent to 16 on
Tuesday will not stop the campaign to reduce the age of consent yet
"A reduction in the age of consent will send out the wrong signal to
young people at a time when Britain suffers from one the worst rates
of teenage pregnancies and un-married mothers in the world. We should
be upholding the Christian tradition and telling youngsters it is okay
to say no, rather than encouraging them to further experiment with
sexual activity."
He added: "There are only two valid positions we could uphold as
Christians. The first is that sex is only ever valid between man and
wife within a life-long heterosexual marriage. The other is
The Evangelical Alliance recognises however that there is likely to be
a majority in the House of Commons in favour of the proposed changes
and is urging MPs to support the amendments tabled by Joe Ashton,
Crispin Blunt and Jacqui Lait. These seek to protect boys and girls
under 18 from exploitation by older persons in positions of authority,
influence and trust.
The Evangelical Alliance, an umbrella body reflecting the views of
more than a million Christians in 30 denominations has written to
5,000 church leaders encouraging them to write to their MPs and urging
them to pray that Parliament will uphold the 2,000 year old
Judeo-Christian tradition. In partnership with CARE and the Christian
Institute, the Alliance has also written directly to MPs warning them
of the dangers of lowering the age of consent.
For further information contact
EA communications officers:
Keith Ewing 0171 207 2116
Gavin Drake 0171-207 2117
Evangelical Alliance UK,
Whitefield House,
186 Kennington Park Road,
London, SE11 4BT
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