From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Powers appointed to New Congregation Establishment
"Wilma Shuffitt"<>
22 Jun 1998 15:42:37
Date: June 22, 1998
Disciples News Service
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Contact: Clifford L. Willis
on the Web:
INDIANAPOLIS (DNS) -- The Rev. Vertie Powers, pastor
of Fellowship Christian Church, Philadelphia, will become director
of New Congregation Establishment of the Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ) on Sept. 1.
Her responsibilities will include helping regions strengthen
the establishment of new congregation ministries and supporting
pastors of new churches. New Congregation Establishment is a
churchwide ministry housed with Board of Church Extension, a
general unit of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
"Vertie brings a wonderful combination of experience in
life and passion for ministry," said the Rev. James L. Powell,
president of Board of Church Extension. "She will be both a great
leader for this churchwide priority and a wonderful colleague for
all those with whom she will work."
The Rev. Richard L. Hamm, general minister and president
of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), praised the new
director for the gifts and grace she will bring to her new ministry.
"New Congregation Establishment is a critical part of our mission
as Disciples and I'm pleased that Vertie will be an essential part
this focus," Hamm said.
Powers was instrumental in establishing a new
congregation in the Washington, D.C., area during the 1980s,
working primarily on demographic studies and site selection. Her
vision for her new responsibilities, however, are centered upon the
need to evangelize and reach the unchurched.
"There are so many people in our communities struggling
and not sure what they need," Powers explained. "But those of us
who have been in the church long enough know the blessing of
being part of the kingdom and that it far outweighs what the world
has to offer. Having a chance to share that hope is what makes this
new position exciting for me."
Powers graduated from Duke University Divinity School,
Durham, N.C., in 1992 with a master of divinity degree. She
completed a bachelor's degree in 1989 at Trinity College,
Washington, D.C. She also earned a certificate in Clinical Pastoral
Education from Duke in 1990.
While pursuing her degrees, Powers served chaplaincy and
student pastorates in Butner, Rockingham, Chapel Hill and
Hillsborough, N.C. She was interim pastor at Twelfth Street
Christian Church, Washington, D.C., prior to being called to her
current position four years ago. Before entering the ministry, the
new director was a customer service representative with Bell
Atlantic and a cable television program coordinator in Apex, N.C.
The North Carolina native was ordained in 1992 at Twelfth
Street Christian Church in Washington, D.C. She is the parent of
one son, Darien Sean McGriff.
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{Editor's note: A photo of Ms. Powers is being mailed.}
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