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Johnson to Head ELCA World Hunger and Disaster Appeal

From Brenda Williams <>
Date 02 Jun 1998 16:16:46


June 2, 1998


     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- Lita Brusick Johnson, 45, has been named director
for World Hunger and Disaster Appeals of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America (ELCA).  She serves as executive assistant to Presiding Bishop H.
George Anderson of the ELCA.  Johnson will begin her new responsibilities
July 1.
     "Most people are mindful of the exceptional skills Lita has provided
in leadership as assistant to Bishop Anderson.  Some may be unaware of her
previous work in hunger, justice and advocacy combined with new skills in
philanthropy," said the Rev. Mark Moller-Gunderson, an executive director
for the ELCA's Division for Congregational Ministries.
     Johnson has been executive assistant since the formation of the ELCA
in 1987.  In that position she serves as an advisory member to boards of
the ELCA's churchwide units and as liaison to two of the ELCA's nine
geographical regions.  She also developes agendas for the ELCA's Church
Council meetings and churchwide assemblies.
     "Lita Brusick Johnson has been a valued and trusted member of the
bishop's office," said Anderson.  "She has shaped the role of the executive
assistant to the bishop into a key part of the planning and administration
of the Office of the Bishop.  Although I regret the loss of her talent and
experience in this office, I am very pleased that she will now be putting
those gifts to good use in her new responsibilities."
     Prior to the ELCA Johnson was deputy director for the Office for
Governmental Affairs, Lutheran Council in the U.S.A., Washington, D.C.,
1977 to 1987.  She has a master's of arts degree in Medieval studies from
the Pontifical Institute for Medieval Studies at the University of Toronto,
Ontario, in 1976.  She was a Fullbright Fellowship Scholar at the
University of Muenster, Federal Republic of Germany, 1974 to 1975.  Johnson
earned a bachelor of arts degree in history from Valparaiso University,
Valparaiso, Ind., in 1974.
     "She brings a wonderful combination of talents to this very important
responsibility as director for World Hunger and disaster appeals.  We look
forward to the strong contributions she will bring to this ministry," said
     Johnson will succeed the Rev. Roger O. Livdahl, 63, who will retire
June 30.  Livdahl was named director for the ELCA's World Hunger Appeal in
1990.   He was ordained in the former American Lutheran Church in 1961
after graduating from Luther Theological Seminary, St. Paul, Minn.  Livdahl
served as regional director for Church World Service/CROP beginning in
     "The church is extremely grateful for the length of service and deep
commitment that Roger Livdahl has given," said Moller-Gunderson.  "He has
built upon a strong foundation of generous response from members of the
church for hunger and disaster needs.  His own personal stewardship and
commitment to ministry have presented a healthy model for all of us to

For information contact:
Ann Hafften, Director (773) 380-2958 or NEWS@ELCA.ORG

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