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"Ins And Outs of Family Spirituality" Is Topic at Mariners
15 Jun 1998 22:58:16
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"Ins And Outs of Family Spirituality" Is Topic at Mariners Breakfast
by Nancy Rodman
CHARLOTTE, N.C.--Using the seed as an image of the way God is present with
us, the Rev. Ann Reed Held presented a message in word and song to those
gathered Monday morning for the Presbyterian Mariners Breakfast.
As faith-nurturers, Held said, we use the seeds of sharing our faith,
service, and Sabbath. We are storytellers to our children, our families,
and our communities, telling the story of how God works in our lives.
Because the faith journey is both a journey inward and a journey outward,
we plant the seed of service, encouraging those whom we nurture to do
simple acts of mercy.
Finally, she said, we plant the seed of Sabbath in ourselves and in the
community of faith. When we try to work without Sabbath - time for rest
and renewal - we try to outdo God, she said. To illustrate how we can make
Sabbath time daily, Held led her audience through a guided meditation of
thanking God for the previous and asking forgiveness and petitioning God
for the gifts of grace needed for the new day.
Held began and closed her address with "The Tree Song", the theme song
of her new book, "Nurturing the Seeds of Spirituality: Families and
Congregations Working Together." "The Tree Song" was taught and led by its
creator, the Rev. Rick Hill, Harrisonburg, Virginia.
Ann Reed Held is Pastor of Trinity Presbyterian Church, Harrisonburg,
and author of "Keeping Faith in Families" and "Nurturing the Seeds of
Spirituality: Families and Congregations Working Together."
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