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Ninety-eight Year Old Elder Attends General Assembly
20 Jun 1998 17:42:23
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Ninety-eight Year Old Elder Attends General Assembly
by Emett Barfield
CHARLOTTE, N.C.-- Elder J. Houston Witherspoon, 98 year old observer, has
been attending General Assembly since 1951. He only misses the Assembly
when it meets in July when he feels it important to be at home in Belvedere
The first assembly attended by Witherspoon was held in Cincinnati and he
says was unusual for two reasons: first, it was the only General Assembly
to held in the same city for two consecutive years; second, it was at this
Assembly that Dr. Harold Wright Anderson, minister of the Fourth
Presbyterian Church of Chicago, gave the three crosses which now are worn
by the moderator of the reunited church.
When asked which moderator he believed to be the most outstanding in his
47 years of Assembly experience. He responded, "There are far too many to
select one. Each moderator has brought something outstanding in his own
way." He feels that the acceptance of the new catechisms will be
remembered as the historical benchmark of this year's meeting.
Witherspoon is already making plans now for his annual attendance,
expressing great relief that it will not conflict with his very active
summer social season.
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