From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Church Extension directors see work

From "Wilma Shuffitt"<>
Date 30 Jun 1998 12:30:54

  You may have already received these two releases, but we wanted to 
make sure they got to everyone.  Thanks for your patience.
first-hand in Puerto Rico
Date: June 29, 1998
Disciples News Service
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Contact: Clifford L. Willis
on the web: http//


    SAN JUAN, P.R. (DNS) -- "Celebremos" not
only was the theme but also the spirit for
Board of Church Extension directors and staff
as they experienced first-hand the fruits of
BCE's building loan partnership with the
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in
Puerto Rico over the past 49 years. 

    The return by directors to the island
for their summer board meeting included
visits to congregations currently engaged in
building loan projects through BCE. The
meeting also included keynote presentations
by Puerto Rican Disciples leaders plus Sunday
worship with seven congregations. BCE
directors last met in Puerto Rico in 1982.

    "Celebremos: The Christian Church in
Puerto Rico" was a launching pad for local
keynoters and pastors to highlight the past,
present and future partnership with BCE. "To
celebrate is a great verb to describe the
feeling and sense of gratitude that the
church in Puerto Rico has because of the
impact of BCE's ministry on the island," said
Elizabeth Alvarez de Barbosa, Bayamon, in
opening remarks to directors and staff.

     Alvarez de Barbosa, a longtime lay
leader of Puerto Rico Disciples and a former
BCE director, noted that since 1949 BCE has
provided 580 loans to their congregations and
organizations, totaling $16.5 million.
Included in the total are 223 interest-free
loans of $3.1 million. 

    "BCE and the Christian Church in Puerto
Rico are not the same since we came together
in this journey of faith," Alvarez de Barbosa
concluded. "Finance and stewardship are more
than money. The work of BCE in Puerto Rico
proves it."  

    In the 49 years of partnership, Puerto
Rico Disciples churches have grown from 41
congregations with 4,583 members to 100 with
more than 19,000 members today. 

    The Rev. Miguel Antonio Morales,
Bayamon, moderator of the Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ) in Puerto Rico and
pastor of the Buena Vista congregation, 
concluded the board meeting in an address
that looked to the future of joint work with
Church Extension. "There is always a way to
work together when the Lord is in the
equation," said Morales.     
    "What has transformed us is your faith
in Jesus Christ and your confidence in the
church in Puerto Rico," the moderator told
BCE directors. That faith, Morales explained,
is "what today allows us to have moved from
being a mission church to a missionary
church. In the beginning we used all our
resources just to survive but today we are
moving into new mission and ministries."

    "Your vision of what the church needs to
be far outstrips ours," responded the Rev.
James L. Powell, president of Board of Church
Extension. "So, keep seeing the vision and
we'll keep finding a way to support your
vision of growth and witness."
    During its business sessions, BCE
directors confirmed more than $8.5 million in
loan requests to underwrite 29 capital
improvement projects in 20 states, plus
Puerto Rico and Paraguay.  Combined costs for
the projects, varying from remodeling and new
construction to debt refinancing, totaled
nearly $18 million. Loan requests ranged from
$5,000 to $2.8 million.

    In other actions, directors confirmed
five interest-free loan requests totaling
$325,000 for projects in Indiana, Colorado,
Alabama, Illinois and Paraguay.  This brings
to 11 the number of congregations with
outstanding commitments totaling $703,000 in
interest-free loans.

    As of May 31, reports showed loan
balances of $93.3 million while BCE total
assets stood at $110.3 million.  Investments
placed with Board of Church Extension, a
primary source of loan funds, stood at $86.8

    Church Extension directors also approved
reports showing 161 field visits by staff
members during February, March and April.
During the same period, BCE staff also
directed 11 fund-raising campaigns that
achieved pledges of nearly $3.3 million.

                   - end -

Date: Memorial services set for Betty Fiers
Disciples News Service
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Contact: Clifford L. Willis
on the Web:

     JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (DNS) -- Memorial
services for Elizabeth (Betty) K. Fiers, 89,
will be 11 a.m. July 6, at Riverside Avenue
Christian Church here. Burial will be at
Campbell Cemetery, Bethany (W. Va.) College.

     Mrs. Fiers died peacefully in her sleep,
June 28, in the family home at Cypress
Village here. She was diagnosed with
pancreatic cancer in February 1997.  

     Betty Fiers was the spouse of the Rev.
A. Dale Fiers, Sr., the first general
minister and president of the Christian
Church (Disciples of Christ). The couple
would have celebrated their 67th wedding
anniversary July 14.

     "This past year Betty and Dale have
offered up a truly magnificent witness to
faith and to faithfulness in marriage," said
General Minister and President Richard L.

     An active laywoman, Betty Fiers was
president of the International Christian
Women's Fellowship from 1966 through 1970.
ICWF is an association of Disciples women
across the United States and Canada. She also
was a member of governing bodies with Church
Women United and the National Council of
Churches of Christ in the U.S.A.

     While a resident of Indianapolis, Fiers
served two terms as a member of the Indiana
Civil Rights Commission. Fiers' work with the
commission led to her being named a "Sagamore
of the Wabash," a state designation that
recognizes outstanding humanitarian service.
She also served on the YMCA board of
directors and was active with the Church
Federation and the United Way. 

     Elizabeth (Betty) K. Fiers was born Jan.
15, 1909, in Wheeling, W. Va., and was a
member of the First Christian Church in the
city. She and the Rev. A. Dale Fiers, Sr.,
were married July 14, 1931, at First
Christian, Wheeling. 
     Besides her husband, she is survived by one
son Alan D. Fiers, Jr., Arlington, Va. A
daughter, Barbara Louise Joyce, preceded her
in death. Barbara's spouse, Hugh E. Joyce,
resides in Beaverdam, Va.

                   - end -

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