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Record Number of Former Moderators Attend
16 Jun 1998 23:20:32
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Record Number of Former Moderators
Attend Foundation's Annual Fete
by Jerry Van Marter
CHARLOTTE, N.C.--Nineteen former General Assembly moderators attended the
Presbyterian Foundation's annual dinner in their honor June 14.
Foundation chair the Rev. Robert V. Martz of Grand Canyon Presbytery
introduced the honored former moderators, who dated as far back as 1971
(Ben Lacy Rose of the former Presbyterian Church in the United States) and
as recently as Patricia G. Brown, who left office one day previously.
The former moderators in attendance included Rose, Clinton M. Marsh
(1973), Jule C. Spach (1976), Sara B. Moseley (1978), Charles Hammond
(1980), Dorothy J. Barnard (1981), James H. Costen (1982), J. Randolph
Taylor (1983), Harriet Nelson (1984), Isabel Rogers (1987), C. Kenneth Hall
(1988), Price H. Gwynn III (1990), Herbert D. Valentine (1991), John M.
Fife (1992), David L. Dobler (1993), Robert W. Bohl (1994), Marj Carpenter
(1995), John M. Buchanan (1996), and Brown.
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