From the Worldwide Faith News archives
1999 Conferences to Build on "Congregations in Global Mission"
20 Jun 1998 21:51:16
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1999 Conferences to Build on "Congregations in Global Mission"
By Patricia Lloyd-Sidle
CHARLOTTE, N.C. "We want to expand the conversations that were begun in St.
Louis," reported Marian McClure, director of the Worldwide Ministries
Division (WMD), as she announced that Worldwide Ministries is planning
three conferences for the fall of 1999. The announcement was made at a
WMD-sponsored breakfast at the 210th General Assembly meeting in Charlotte,
Over 500 Presbyterians participated in the 1997 conference,
"Congregations in Global Mission," held in St. Louis, Missouri. "We are
eager to hear more mission stories from more congregations," said McClure,
"and to offer the interaction with WMD staff that we hear Presbyterians
requesting. And we are eager to continue exploring the local-global
connections in mission."
The 1999 conferences will be held on three subsequent weekends in three
regions of the country. The first will be October 21-24, 1999 on the west
coast. The second will be October 28-31, 1999 in Houston, Texas. The
third will be November 4-7, 1999 on the east coast.
"In one sense," explained McClure, "it will be one conference held in
three venues. The basic conference design and the major conference
speakers will be the same for all three events. In another sense, each
conference will be quite unique. Each regional event will be shaped to a
large degree by the planners and participants of that region."
Each of the 225 attendees at the Worldwide Ministries Division breakfast
was given a copy of the newly-published report from the 1997 "Congregations
in Global Mission" conference. Copies are available from the Presbyterian
Distribution Service (800-524-2612).
For more information, contact the Rev. Patricia Lloyd-Sidle, coordinator
for global awareness and involvement in the Worldwide Ministries Division,
100 Witherspoon St., Room 3629, Louisville, KY 40202-1396; phone: (502)
569-5260; fax (502) 569-8236; E-mail:
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