From the Worldwide Faith News archives

New Moderator Has a Message

Date 16 Jun 1998 13:31:54

Reply-To: pcusanews list <>

    New Moderator Has a Message 
    by Jane Hines 
CHARLOTTE, N.C.--G.A. Moderator Douglas Oldenburg said in a press 
conference after his election that he agreed to run for this office in 
order to be an advocate for education and for children.  "Being moderator 
was never on my radar screen," he said, but when his wife asked what would 
motivate him to run, he thought about the children he had seen in Haiti, 
and agreed to run because of his deep passion for children in crisis and 
for education at all levels. He saw the position of moderator as an 
opportunity to speak to the church about what can be done for those causes. 
     "And if I can bring respect for each other, that would be a gift I 
would like to give the church," he said in response to the question: "What 
would you like to say to the whole church tonight?" 

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