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Re: Title: Age of Consent: Society failing young people.
"Evangelical Alliance Press Office" <>
22 Jun 1998 17:12:51
Title Age of Consent: Society failing young people.
Immediate Release: 22/6/98
Society is failing young people in the area of sexual
morality by forcing them to grow up too quickly, the
Evangelical Alliance UK said tonight in response to the
House of Commons vote to lower the age of consent for
homosexuals to 16.
"Sexual identity in boys is not fixed by the age of 16.
Lowering the age of consent will pressure some
teenagers into a homosexual lifestyle instead of
allowing them space to develop as part of the growing
up process," said Martyn Eden, public affairs director
of the Evangelical Alliance, which seeks to reflect the
views of more than one million churchgoers.
He added: "Sex was increasingly being distanced from
the context of permanent loving marriage relationships.
Far from being a gift from God within the context of
marriage, sex is being reduced to an issue of rights,
divorced from morality and ethics.
"We are more likely to dispense condoms than suggest to
young people why it might be to their advantage to wait
until marriage before having sex."
For further information, contact:
Keith Ewing,
0171 207 2116 or + 44 171 207 2116
Gavin Drake,
0171 207 2117 or + 44 171 207 2117
Evangelical Alliance UK,
Whitefield House,
186 Kennington Park Road,
London, SE11 4BT - General - News Releases
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