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New Executive Director Named for the Interfaith Alliance

Date 12 Jun 1998 20:47:25

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    New Executive Director Named 
    for the Interfaith Alliance 
    by Religion News Service 
WASHINGTON-A moderate Southern Baptist minister has been named the new 
executive director of The Interfaith Alliance, a national grassroots 
organization that has worked to counter religious right groups. 
    The Rev. Welton Gaddy, former pastor of Northminster Baptist Church in 
Monroe, La., is the Alliance's new leader.  A former director of Christian 
citizenship development for the Southern Baptist Convention's Christian 
Life Commission, Gaddy became a vocal dissenter to the denomination's 
conservative resurgence that began in 1979.  He now is the president of the 
Alliance of Baptists, a moderate group. 
    As he begins his new role, Gaddy is helping The Interfaith Alliance 
launch a "Call to a Faithful Decision" campaign to encourage people of a 
variety of faith traditions to become involved in public issues. 
    "The time has come for the tolerant majority to be heard and to let the 
American people know that religious political extremists do not speak for 
all people of faith," Gaddy said. 
    Founded in 1994, The Interfaith Alliance claims a membership of 75,000 
from more than 50 denominations and traditions.   Former Presbyterian 
General Assembly moderator the Rev. Herbert D. Valentine of Baltimore 
serves on the organization's board of directors. 

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