From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Presbyterians Are Super in Souper Bowl
12 Jun 1998 11:06:50
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Presbyterians Are Super in Souper Bowl
by Julian Shipp
COLUMBIA, S.C.-Statistics from the 1998 Souper Bowl of Caring reveal the
participation of a record 8,600 congregations across the country with a
best-ever showing of more than 2,000 Presbyterian churches. According to
Souper Bowl officials, a total of more than $1.7 million in dollars and
nonperishables was collected nationally, up from $1.1 million last year.
"We are excited to see so many Presbyterian churches joining the Souper
Bowl team, and we are grateful to God for this simple but significant way
to care for [our nation's hungry and impoverished]," said the Rev. Brad
Smith, founder of the effort.
Participants represented all 50 states and Canada as well as scores of
different Christian denominations and other groups. Remarkably, the 1998
total tops the 1997 total of 5,400 congregations by more than 3,000
churches and $600,000.
The Souper Bowl has now generated an aggregate of $4.5 million for
hurting and hungry people since the youth of Spring Valley Presbyterian
Church launched the effort with 22 Columbia, S.C., churches in 1990.
Presbyterian participation has climbed steadily each year, with the
Presbyterian Hunger Program and Presbyterian Youth Connection both
supporting this year's effort.
The Souper Bowl's simple game plan - youth asking parishioners to give
one dollar as they leave service the morning of the big game and then
sending donations directly to a local charity - has fueled explosive
growth. This year's growth in donations is more than the total amount
raised as recently as 1995.
Churches that participated but have not reported should call
1-800-358-SOUP. Souper Bowl '99 will take place on January 31. Churches are
encouraged to mark the date and participate. Further information on the
Souper Bowl can be found on the World Wide Web at
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