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Moderator Candidates Agree on Plea:
08 Jun 1998 23:40:24
Moderator Candidates Agree on Plea:
No Sexuality Amendment This Year
by Jerry L. Van Marter
CHARLOTTE, N.C.-While they were here attending the leadership briefing for
the upcoming 210th General Assembly, June 13-20, the three announced
candidates for moderator issued a joint statement calling for no further
action this year on sexual standards for ordination in the Presbyterian
Church (U.S.A.).
The 1996 General Assembly approved Amendment B - the commonly called
"fidelity and chastity" amendment - which became G-6.0106b when the
presbyteries voted to ratify it last year. The 1997 Assembly approved
Amendment A - the commonly called "fidelity and integrity" amendment -
which was soundly defeated by the presbyteries as a proposed revision of
The only action submitted to this year's Assembly related to the
content of G-6.0106b - from Milwaukee Presbytery - calls for its deletion
from the "Book of Order."
The moderator candidates' statement was issued May 15, 1998, and was
signed by the Rev. Richard C. Hutchison, the Rev. James E. Mead and the
Rev. Douglas W. Oldenburg.
The full text of their statement:
"It is our hope that our denomination will not spend the 210th General
Assembly (1998) or next year in the presbyteries investing major emotional
energy around votes to further amend Chapter 6 of the `Book of Order.' We
need to move on, with all grace and sensitivity, and give our primary
energy to the church's mission to proclaim the love of Christ in word and
deed to all the world.
"Let's go forward in both accepting the action that has now clearly
been supported by the General Assembly and the presbyteries for two years
and at the same time, dealing with those who disagree in a spirit of love,
forbearance and mutual respect."
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