From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Older Adult Ministries Network Hears Pat Brown

Date 19 Jun 1998 21:12:32

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    Older  Adult  Ministries  Network  Hears  Pat  Brown 
    by Midge Mack 
CHARLOTTE, N.C.--For the 11th time the Presbyterian Older Adult Ministry 
Network (POAMN)  met  for breakfast at the General Assembly. 
    Welcomed  by Jan McGilliard,  associate for Older Adult Ministry in the 
Synod of Mid-Atlantic, and updated by  Dr. Miriam Dunson,  National 
Ministries Division  associate for Older Adults,  the 150 plus early risers 
heard that 
    * the United Nations has declared 1999 as the "Year of Older Persons," 
    *  the January '99 issue of Church In Society magazine would be 
dedicated to older adult       issues, 
    *  that ten new resource booklets for Older Adult Ministry in 
congregations would be available in the next year  from the Congregational 
Ministries Division, in addition to an updated POAMN Yellow Pages, which 
contains a listing of resource persons by area. 
    Past Moderator Pat Brown speaker of the day, stated that she was now 
finding out that  "inside every older person is a young one -- wondering 
what happened."   She cited Gail Sheehy's recent  book as describing four 
ages of adulthood instead  of the traditional three.  Instead of older 
persons being those over 50,  she told them, age 45-65 is recognized as the 
"age of mastery" and 65-85, the age of integrity. 
    Brown then  brought several  suggestions for  older  Presbyterians in 
their "second lives" of wisdom and integrity,  and  for  congregations in 
developing for them the most creative ministry possible. 

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