From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Happy Friday, good ol'210!

Date 19 Jun 1998 10:44:11

Reply-To: pcusanews list <>

    Happy Friday, good ol'210! 
    by Jerry Van Marter 
CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Happy Friday, good ol'210!  And Web calls your attention 
to an Irish victualry and libationary on Tryon Street which has been 
heavily patronized by Presbyterians this week.  Said establishment is named 
"Ri Ra," which in Gaelic means "a good time."  Are we having a Ri Ra yet? 
    # # # 
    Who's on first? department: Web attaches no significance to the matter, 
but did note the seating pattern at the press tables in the News Room 
Thursday morning (this is a true fact!) -- right to left: Parker Williamson 
("The Presbyterian Layman"), "The Presbyterian Outlook" staff, the PCUSA 
Office of Communication staff, Kathy Lancaster ("Church & Society" mag). 
    # # # 
    Book-of-the-Month Club main selection department: On sale at the good 
ol' 210 is a brand new, glossy-covered edition of "The Book of Order."  The 
perennially unimpressed Lewis Wilkins, on seeing it: "I've already read 
`The Bridges of Madison County' -- why should I buy this???" 
    # # # 
    Speaking of God's own best-seller...During the lively debate in 
Committee 10 over whether and what to do to G-6.0106b, Keegan Staker 
slipped Freudingly and referred to the aformentioned "Book of Order" as 
"The Book of Options."  Web can only wish... 
    # # # 
    Fowl ball department: Long time News Room denizen Chuck Proudfoot was 
grousing about the $19 price tag for the Presbyterian Writers Guild 
Luncheon Thursday.  "Heck," Proudfoot noted, "the dues are only $20!"  PWG 
officer Jane Hines quickly retorted, "Yeah, Chuck, but at least you get 
roast beef -- everyone else is serving chicken!" 

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