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Debrecen Declaration Recommended for Study
18 Jun 1998 10:34:52
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Debrecen Declaration Recommended for Study
by Nancy Rodman
CHARLOTTE, N.C.-The World Alliance of Reformed Churches' (WARC)
"Declaration of Debrecen" will be commended to the churches for use in
worship, liturgy, and study if the General Assembly approves the
recommendation of the Assembly Committee on Catholicity and Ecumenical
Relations. The committee also recommends that information about the August
1997 meeting of WARC be disseminated to congregations and middle governing
bodies and that the "Message of the 23rd General Council of the World
Alliance of Reformed Churches" be heeded.
The Declaration states that we belong not to ourselves but to Christ
and declares dependence on our Redeemer and solidarity with the poor and
oppressed. It asserts that we are called to be "built into a new community
in the Spirit of God."
The PCUSA Advisory Committee on Ecumenical Relations, at its January
meeting felt that the Declaration and message provide resources that should
be used in the Presbyterian Church. If the General Assembly accepts the
recommendation of the Assembly, the documents will be distributed through
the denomination's web pages and publications. In addition, copies of
"Reformed World" and a video, "Break the Chains of Injustice are
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