From the Worldwide Faith News archives
MGB Relationships Committee Enters "Reflection" Phase of Its Work
12 Jun 1998 20:05:35
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Middle Governing Body Relationships Committee
Enters "Reflection" Phase of Its Work
by Jerry L. Van Marter
LOUISVILLE, Ky.-Having interviewed more than 700 persons during 18 months
of consultations with nearly 60 different groups, the General Assembly's
Special Committee on Middle Governing Body Relationships is entering what
it is calling its "reflection" stage.
The committee, authorized by the 208th General Assembly (1996), was
charged to examine the current state of relations between the General
Assembly and the synods and presbyteries and to propose ways to strengthen
those relationships. The committee is due to report its findings and
recommendations to the 211th General Assembly (1999) next June in Fort
Worth, Texas.
The committee met April 16-18 "to reflect on past work and plot a
course for the future," according to its chair, the Rev. Ed Albright, who
is executive presbyter for Greater Atlanta Presbytery.
Albright said that what was heard in the myriad consultations "has now
been converted to 'learnings' which the committee is preparing to share
with many of the original contacts and other interested persons for their
reflection and further advice."
The committee will host public hearings and small group discussions
during the upcoming General Assembly in Charlotte. Albright said the
committee also welcomes specific invitations for "reflection meetings" at
other times and places.
"We are most grateful for every person who participated in focus groups
or who provided data in other ways," Albright said. "Our interest is to
continue to work in a very open process as we develop a vision for the
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) for the year 2000 and beyond, a vision built
on the past but looking to God's hope for the future."
More information about the work of the committee is available on its
Web site at
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