From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Lutheran World Relief wins gender award

Date 05 Jun 1998 20:12:32

NEW YORK/GENEVA, 4 June 1998 (lwi) - Lutheran World Relief (LWR) has been
presented with an award by "InterAction", a coalition of 160 US
humanitarian agencies, for its "inspiring" progress toward gender equity.
The Mildred Robbins Leet Award, an annual honor given to two InterAction
agencies, cited the LWR for five years of work promoting gender equity
within its own programs and with partner organizations overseas.

LWR projects improve the quality of life for poor families by including
women and men as active participants. Women are especially active in
leadership development, primary health care, literacy, and savings and
loans programs. The citation mentions planning, research and training on
gender-related issues in LWR's three regional offices and a nation-wide
initiative by a partner agency in the Philippines. It was noted that the
LWR has an active internship program with the strong participation of young
women, has promoted awareness of women's key role in development through
videos and books, and has made efforts to become a family friendly

LWR President Kathryn Wolford accepted the honor on behalf of the LWR at a
ceremony in Washington, D.C. in April.

*       *       *
Lutheran World Information
Editorial Assistant: Janet Bond-Nash

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