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Kirkpatrick Files Amicus Brief Supporting Clergy Confidentiality
12 Jun 1998 20:04:35
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Kirkpatrick Files Amicus Brief
Supporting Clergy Confidentiality
by Jerry L. Van Marter
LOUISVILLE, Ky.-Continuing his support for the principle of clergy
confidentiality, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) General Assembly stated clerk
the Rev. Clifton Kirkpatrick has filed an amicus curiae brief in a
Washington state case.
On May 1, Kirkpatrick joined a brief in the case of "Washington vs.
Martin" in the Washington State Court of Appeals. The brief is in support
of a pastor who refuses to testify in criminal proceedings regarding
confidential communications made to him by a defendant charged with
second-degree murder in the death of his infant child.
After the pastor refused to answer questions at his deposition, the
trial judge held the pastor in contempt of court and ordered him to report
a week later to be taken into custody. He is free pending this appeal.
The stated clerk's statement of interest noted that while the PC(USA)
has a very different theology and polity surrounding such confessions, the
denomination supports the recognition of the Roman Catholic polity by the
secular authorities in this matter relating to confession.
Kirkpatrick argued that confessions made in the context of the
pastor-parishioner relationship in the PC(USA) are no less privileged than
those made in the formal context of the Roman Catholic confessional.
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