From the Worldwide Faith News archives

Patricia Brown Preaches at Opening Worship

Date 15 Jun 1998 16:08:59

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    Patricia Brown Preaches at Opening Worship 
    by Nancy Rodman 
CHARLOTTE, N.C.--Elder Patricia G. Brown, moderator of the 209th General 
Assembly, preached as Presbyterians nearly filled the Charlotte Coliseum 
for the 210th General Assembly's opening Service of Worship and Holy 
    With Shelter, Nurture, and Spiritual Fellowship of the Children of God, 
the second Great End of the Church, as her theme, Brown spoke of loss of 
community in a world of downsizing and broken relationships and asked where 
we are to find togetherness now if not in the church.  The church is a 
community of faith, signed and sealed with the grace of God's unconditional 
love, she continued.  It is in the church that we are nurtured with the 
bread and the cup. 
    Citing Loren Mead, Brown asserted that the church must become the 
center that supports the human need for community.  It is in ministry to 
people in need that the church rediscovers its identity as the community of 
faith.  Brown drew on her experiences as she traveled the church as 
moderator, sharing stories of the creative, vital ministries she observed. 
It is when we proclaim the shelter, nurture, and spiritual fellowship of 
the children of God as one of our greatest goals, she said, that we can 
enjoy new relationships with each other and with God. 
    Mission personnel retiring after 20 or more years of service were 
recognized and presented with plaques.  Global Partners in Mission in the 
U.S.A. were presented and international and U.S.A. mission personnel were 
    Music for the opening Service of Worship and Holy Communion was 
provided by the Mass Choir, Mass Handbell Choir, organists Robert Stigall 
and Richard Peek, the Carolina Brass, Loch Norman Pipe Band, Steel Pros, 
and the Young Singers of Darlington.  Cotton Memorial Dance Ministries 
performed the liturgical dance.  Bettye Walker was the soprano soloist and 
Loonis McGlohon was the piano soloist. 
    The offering given during the worship service amounted to $36,953.97. 
It will support projects maintaining or enhancing the physical, cultural, 
or spiritual environment of the eight racial ethnic colleges and 
institutions related to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). 

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