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First to Finish: Christian Ed./Curriculum Publishing

Date 18 Jun 1998 21:51:39

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    First to finish: Christian Ed./Curriculum Publishing 
    by Midge Mack 
CHARLOTTE, N.C.--A General Assembly committee completing  its agenda on its 
first day of business is indeed a rarity,  but the 210th's Committee on 
Christian Education and Curriculum Publishing did it, just by a hair. 
    At 9:35  Monday night,  a final vote resolved the only sticky wicket on 
the committee's docket,  approval of a final response  to a referral 
(21.0155-.0156) from the 205th (1993) Assembly.  Approving the Human 
Sexuality  Curriculum  for pre-school children and their parents,  mandated 
by that Assembly had occupied most of the committee's time since their 
morning tour of the Congregational Ministries Division exhibits and 
    Some commissioners liked the curriculum, others did not. A motion that 
included recommended revisions was substituted for the original motion to 
approve the response, before  the original came to a vote. The substitute 
wording was found not to be acceptable as a response to go to the floor, 
resulting in procedural tangles. Several authorities were consulted before 
a mid-evening  ruling by Stated Clerk Clifton Kirkpatrick brought on two 
attempts at framing acceptable responses. These were approval or 
disapproval with comment, each of  which lost after lengthy  debate.  At 
9:35  the original motion was brought back and passed 29-16-1.  A minority 
report will be submitted. 
    Before the committee debated the above, it considered and approved, 
with minor changes in wording, overture 98-70  on adding questions to the 
annual statistical report. 
    Earlier in the day the committee approved the narrative report of the 
Congregational Ministry Division which exists to empower congregations for 
ministry.  The report included descriptions of nine new leadership 
development programs: two for youth, two for pastors, one each for 
musicians,  spiritual formation,  retired clergy, African-American 
educators and research services, bringing to 22 the number of Presbyterian 
organizations, networks, and advisory committees  with which the division 

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