From the Worldwide Faith News archives
California-Nevada evangelicals threaten to withhold support
NewsDesk <NewsDesk@UMCOM.UMC.ORG>
05 Jun 1998 14:24:15
June 5, 1998 Contact: Thomas S. McAnally*(615)742-5470*Nashville,
Tenn. {344}
By United Methodist News Service
Expressing disappointment that their request for "separation" has been
rejected, evangelical leaders are threatening to withhold money and
support for activities and programs of the California-Nevada Annual
(regional) Conference of the United Methodist Church.
In a closed meeting with church leaders in Sacramento May 20,
representatives of the Evangelical Renewal Fellowship (ERF) asked for
help in creating a separate organizational entity for evangelicals. The
next day, Bishop Melvin G. Talbert, along with his seven district
superintendents and six conference staff members, issued a statement
rejecting the proposal.
"Separation has never been required, nor is it now in order to engage in
the varied ministries that different local churches seek to fulfill,"
they said.
Five members of the ERF executive committee issued an open letter to the
conference leaders June 3, expressing disappointment and reissuing a
request for a separate organizational entity. Rejection of their
proposal, they said, goes against the conference's celebration of
"The leadership of this annual conference seems to honor every sort of
theological diversity except traditional Wesleyan theology," they said.
"An evangelical conference would curb the acrimony of the ordination
process, provide evangelical churches with the sort of pastors they
want, and provide healthy competition between the new conference and the
denominational 'regulars', " they said. "Instead of further exacerbating
the conflict between liberals and conservatives, this would provide a
'win-win' solution."
Unless offered a "more creative response," the evangelicals are
threatening to withdraw from conference activities and programs and
withhold apportionments, the money requested for mission and ministry in
the region and around the world.
The letter's signers include the Rev. Kevin Clancy, ERF president, who
has announced plans to withdraw from the denomination and start an
independent congregation in Oakdale, Calif., where he has been serving
the Community United Methodist Church. Other signers are: John
Christie, Ron Greilich, John Motz and Harry Wood.
United Methodist News Service
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