From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Study approved on Reformation churches in global society
24 Jun 1998 17:36:07
GENEVA, 23 June 1998 (lwi) - A new study program on "Structures of the
Reformation Churches in Today's Global Society" was among the resolutions
approved by the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Council from the Program
Committee for Theology and Studies. The proposal noted: "In the present
situation the Reformation churches are challenged to think about their
self-understanding and structures. In light of the process toward
globalization on the one hand and localization on the other hand,
Reformation churches need to work toward a contemporary understanding of
themselves as communities, networks and institutions."
The study will begin with a preparatory meeting in 1999 to define issues,
such as precisely what is meant by "Reformation churches," and a
consultation a year later that would include non-Lutheran Reformation
In other studies-related action, the council:
+ supported a program to promote Jewish-Lutheran dialogue "in areas of
common concern." For the preparatory process, the study would gather the
different experiences of member churches in their dialogues.
+ asked that the social ethics of "globalization" be reflected on
+ recommended that the interfaith dialogue phase launched in 1999
include African religion, Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism and Islam.
+ approved a study project on "Christian Witness in Multi-faith
Contexts" be launched next year with a 1999 consultation in the Americas.
* * *
Lutheran World Information
Editorial Assistant: Janet Bond-Nash
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