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Six Congregations Receive Awards for Education/Outreach

Date 18 Jun 1998 18:02:36

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     Six Congregations Receive Awards for Education/Outreach 
                          by Eva Stimson 
CHARLOTTE, N.C.--Six congregations with effective and innovative programs 
of outreach and Christian education were recognized Wednesday at the 
General Assembly lunch of Union Theological Seminary and the Presbyterian 
School of Christian Education.  Each of the 1998 Congregation Awards 
presented by Union/PSCE includes a $1,000 contribution to assist the 
honored churches in their ongoing ministries. 
   The following churches received awards: 
     Second Presbyterian Church in Richmond, Va., received the Sarah Hill 
Brown Award for Early Childhood Education for its nationally accredited 
child care center.  One of the first such programs to receive national 
accreditation, the center serves children from a variety of ethnic and 
socio-economic backgrounds and family situations, as well as children with 
special needs. 
     Sherwood Presbyterian Church in Columbus, Ga., and Preston Hollow 
Presbyterian Church in Dallas, Texas, received the Elinor Curry Award for 
Outreach and Social Concern. Once a declining and aging congregation, the 
Columbus church has been revitalized through enhanced Christian education, 
a food cooperative to provide low-income residents with groceries, a 
meals-on-wheels program for shut-ins, and a parish nursing program.   
   The Dallas church was recognized for its Vickery Meadow Learning Center, 
which provides literacy education for adults, teaching them reading, 
effective speaking, writing, mastery of math, and the handling of workplace 
     Spotsylvania Presbyterian Church in Fredericksburg, Va., received the 
Katharine Hawes Award for Effective Youth Ministry.  Four young people and 
two adult advisors from the church were present to accept the award.  The 
church's vital youth ministry involves more than 60 participants and 
incorporates drama, ecumenical fellowship, Bible study, and mission trips. 
     Westminster Presbyterian Church in Middletown, N.J., and Lincroft 
Presbyterian Church in Lincroft, N.J., received the W.T. "Tolly" Thompson 
Award for Excellence in Christian Education.  These two churches worked 
together to offer an innovative vacation Bible school program for children. 
The curriculum included activity centers incorporating drama, art, music, 
outreach and discovery. 

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