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"Imagine Unity in Christ," Says Ecumenical Breakfast Speaker
18 Jun 1998 10:35:59
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"Imagine Unity in Christ," Says Ecumenical Breakfast Speaker
by Julian Shipp
CHARLOTTE, N.C.--Reminding her audience to use their imaginations as they
work toward unity in Christ, Dr. Cynthia M. Campbell, president of
McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago, was guest speaker during the
Ecumenical Breakfast June 17.
"To a very big extent, we dream our world into being," Campbell said.
"When you see your dreams all around you, it is a miracle."
Campbell said the Ecumenical Decade With Women has done much to advance
ecumenism, including raising issues of justice and health before the
religious and secular communities and allowing the voices of women and
others who have long been silenced voices, to be heard in various cultures
and countries. Campbell said the greatest challenge of Christians in the
next decade will be figuring out how to give their gifts to "a world caught
up in the politics of identity and separateness."
"The ecumenical movement at its best, affirms that unity does not
demand uniformity and yet affirms that unity is something that exists
before God and therefore has a life, or ground out of which it grows,"she
Campbell's appearance marked the fourth gathering sponsored by the
Ecumenical Staff Team of the Office of the General Assembly.
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