From the Worldwide Faith News archives
21st Century Committee Succeeds in "Doing Theology"
18 Jun 1998 10:35:18
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21st Century Committee Succeeds in "Doing Theology"
by Midge Mack
CHARLOTTE, N.C.-Committee #4, The Assembly Committee on the PCUSA in the
21st Century brought its report to the General Assembly plenary late
yesterday afternoon in the format of a pastoral letter addressed to the
committee's fellow commissioners. As such no action was required, and the
report was received, unanimously by the commissioners.
A motion to recommend that the Committee on Theological Education
arrange a similar opportunity for theological reflection at the 211th
General Assembly passed.
Because of the committee's title, many assumed it was doing
"futuring," a specific process attempting to envision possibilities and
hopes for an organization some number of years down the road, with specific
responses proposed in reaction to such a vision.
However, Committee #4 was charged with exploring theologically the
meaning of church membership. After identifying dozens of facets of that
subject, expressed through their own experiences, members divided into six
focus groups as follows: Diversity in Worship, Education, God's Love,
Inclusivity, Mission and Evangelism, Presbyterianism and Ecumenism. Each
focus group met with selected resource persons Tuesday morning, after which
they prepared individual group reports. Later they blended these into a
single report after selecting both its format and the content they felt was
important to include.
It's possible this committee had more fun than any at the Assembly.
It's possible, even likely, that these committee members learned more,
grew more, and certainly enhanced their experience of "church", more
than any other. Beyond that, they took a risk, they did something new,
different, and, they feel, significant.
It was a floor action of the 209th Assembly requesting the Committee
on Theological Education to bring some area of theology to a designated
committee of this Assembly, to allow a group of commissioners to do
theological reflection, that started the process. This committee
received no material on which to take action. They could report or not to
the plenary. They voted to make a report because they felt a need to
share what they had done with the Assembly.
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