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Theological Issues and Institutions Recommendations

Date 21 Jun 1998 13:35:39

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       Theological Issues and Institutions Recommendations 
    on Calendar and Hispanic Worship Resources Draw Controversy 
                      by Allison Politinsky 
CHARLOTTE,N.C.--The General Assembly agreed today with the Theological 
Issues and Institutions Committee that Hiroshima Day should be struck from 
the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) calendar, but did not agree with the 
committee's recommendation regarding Hispanic groups ability to comment in 
a different manner on worship resources produced by the denominational 
offices. A resolution on accepting a paper, "Building Community among 
Strangers" was also changed from the committee recommendation. 
   On the subject of Hiroshima Day, there was much debate about the 
implication of remembering the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 
World War II. Some World War II veterans found this very offensive. Others 
felt it was necessary to recognize the seriousness of the threat of nuclear 
weapons. However, the committee had recommended to drop the day from the 
calendar and the Assembly approved that recommendation. 
   The Committee had also recommended disapproving a proposal to set up a 
new procedure for developing and approving Hispanic worship resource 
materials. It was the committee's understanding, according to moderator 
Cathy Northrup, that a mechanism was already in place to ensure voices from 
the Hispanic community were included in the process. 
   Joseph Small, Office of Theology and Worship, tried to explain that the 
task force which has developed Hispanic resource materials since 1991 
includes many members of the Hispanic Presbyterian Community. "We intend to 
consult carefully with members of the Hispanic community when we develop 
worship resources," Small said. 
   However, the Assembly decided against the committee's recommendation. A 
new motion was proposed to include two other Hispanic groups in the 
approval process for worship materials. One advisor said that the church 
needs to have more grace and openness to the Presbyterian Church's 
ethnic/racial groups. 
   Bob Angus of the National Capital Presbytery offered this proposal: That 
the Office of Theology and Worship consult with Hispanic Ministries and the 
Hispanic Presbyterian Caucus to approve any further Hispanic worship 
   Elder Florence Gum from the Presbytery of Palo Duro in Puerto Rico said. 
"We have material like your Discovery curriculum for our classes. It has 
Hispanic lay and ordained writers.  The material is marvelous and we love 
it. But once the worship book was put together there wasn't any input [from 
the Hispanic community]. We are merely asking to be in kinship with the 
      The commissioners also changed a resolution from the committee on 
receiving a report called "Building Community among Strangers" produced by 
the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy. The resolution was 
   To direct the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy to continue 
their work on "Building Community among Strangers," producing a draft study 
paper that: 
   1) is clearly centered around the confessional and Biblical teachings 
about Christ as Lord of all the world and its only hope of reconciliation 
   2) embodies a tone of mutual respect for differing opinions within our 
   GlenWeaver, from the Presbytery of Lake Michigan explained that "The 
concept of strangers in the gospel is extremely important in the context of 
our confessions." 
   Byron Shaffer, New York Presbytery, was troubled by the tone of the 
initial report. "We need to be sure to have representation of diversity and 
theological perspectives. The original motion calls for the inclusion of 
perspectives and I think that is very important." 
   The Assembly approved the resolution as amended. 

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