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Alaskan Named Restorative Justice Award Recipient
19 Jun 1998 10:43:44
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Alaskan Named Restorative Justice Award Recipient
by Emett Barfield
CHARLOTTE, N.C.--On Thursday evening, Rev. Mrs. Mable Rasmussen
distinguished associate pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of
Fairbanks, Alaska and chaplain of the Fairbanks Correctional Center will
receive the Restorative Justice Award from the National Ministries Division
of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Rev. Rasmussen was nominated for this
award by her session at First Presbyterian Church.
In 1951, this devoted disciple and her husband moved to Alaska to serve
as missionaries to Native Americans. In 1957 she and her husband founded
the Hospitality House for Youth-at-Risk, where she worked until retirement
in 1974. Her work in prison ministries began in 1984 when a visitor to the
church asked Rev. Rasmussen to go with her to the Fairbanks Correctional
Center. She responded to the call for help and has been responding ever
since. She energetically ministers to some 250 prisoners in her role as
chaplain. In addition, she carries on a very active counseling practice for
the street people of her city and an outreach program for girl friends,
wives, and families of the prisoners. At the age of 78, when most would be
considering retirement, she became an ordained Presbyterian minister to
comply with state requirements for prison chaplains. Her infectious
commitment to her work has caused more than two hundred volunteers,
including spiritual counselors and ministers of other faith groups to join
in this work.
Seeing prison ministry as an invaluable evangelistic tool, she
encourages her volunteers to see themselves as friends to those with whom
they work. One of the projects her church sponsors each year is the
provision of gifts for the prisoners to give to their families each
Christmas. Each prisoner is permitted to choose a gift for members of his
family from the array of gifts gathered by members and friends of the
church. She speaks of one prisoner who asked, "Who gave us these gifts?"
Rev. Rasmussen replied: "Church people." The man's immediate response: "I'm
going back to church. No one has ever done anything like this." Recently
six folk joined the First Presbyterian Church. Five were recovering addicts
from her outreach program. Due to the overcrowding in the Fairbanks Center,
a number of the prisoners have been moved to Arizona. There the ministry of
this marvelous minister continues, as the men share their witness of faith
which she has nurtured in them.
The award to this very worthy disciple of Christ concludes with these
In the Letter to the Hebrews we are challenged: "Do not neglect to show
hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels
unawares. Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them."
For doing this, and much more, your church - the Presbyterian Church
(U.S.A.) - honors you."
The most wonderful thing of all is the fact that this very amazing minister
in her pioneer candor sees nothing extraordinary about her long and
fruitful ministry.
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