From the Worldwide Faith News archives
re: SPAM-LOW: Wfn-editors Digest, Vol 11, Issue 32
"" <>
Tue, 17 Mar 2009 05:13:05 -0600
The Beatitudes {JESUS ] began to teach them, saying:
"Blessed are the poor in sprit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Bles sed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger
and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy,
Blesse d are the pure in heart,
for they will see GOd.
Grace ministries
ESR koti reddy
-- --------------------------------------
From: wfn-editors-request
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 4:41 PM
To: wfn-editors@wf
Subject: SPAM-LOW: Wfn-editors Digest, Vol 11, Issue 32
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Today's Topics:
1. ELCA Mission Personnel Evacuate Madagas car (NEWS@ELCA.ORG)
2. ELCA Presiding Bishop Comments on Economy, Task Force
Documents (NEWS@ELCA.ORG)
3. Anglican Delegates Statement on United Nations Commission on
the Status of Women (Worldwide Faith N ews)
4. Bahai News: Egyptian court removes final barrier to identity
cards for Baha'is (Brad Pokorny)
5. re: Wfn-editors Digest, Vol 11, Issue 31
6. re: Wfn-ed itors Digest, Vol 11, Issue 31
--------------------------------------------------------------- -------
Message: 1
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 13:30:49 -0500
Subject: ELCA Mission Personnel Evacuate Madagascar
Message-ID: <>
Con tent-Type: text/plain
Title: ELCA Mission Personnel Evacuate Mad agascar
March 16, 2009
ELCA M ission Personnel Evacuate Madagascar
CHICAGO (EL CA) -- Mission personnel of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) serving in the Republic of
Madagascar have evacuated the islan d due to recent civil
unrest. Madagascar is located off the southeaste rn coast of
According to BBC News, Madagascar President M arc
Ravalomanana and opposition leader Andry Rajoelina are locked
in a fierce power struggle. The political unrest has erupted
into v iolence.
The U.S. ambassador to Madagascar advised some Americans
to leave Madagascar for their safety. An ELCA health care
worker an d regional representatives, working with the Malagasy
Lutheran Church (Fiangonana Loterana Malagasy), evacuated the
The 3 milli on-member Malagasy Lutheran Church is one of
the largest Lutheran chur ches in the world. It has nine
hospitals and 13 dispensaries, schools and a seminary. The
church focuses on evangelism, social ministry and leadership
The ELCA and Malagasy Lutheran Church are members of the
Lutheran World Federation (LWF), a global communion of
churches representing 68.5 million Lutherans.
The Rev. Mark S. H anson, ELCA presiding bishop and LWF
president, and the Rev. Rafael Ma lpica Padilla, executive
director, ELCA Global Mission, wrote a letter to the Rev.
Endor Modeste Rakoto, president of the Malagasy Lutheran
Church, to express "the desire for peace."
"In this time of civi l unrest that has shattered the
peace of Madagascar, we want to assure you that your
colleagues in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Americ a
are holding you, your family, the Malagasy Lutheran Church,
and all of the people of Madagascar in our thoughts and
prayers," wrote H anson and Malpica Padilla.
They told Rakota, "We know that you have be en active
in seeking a peaceful solution to the present conflict,
providing leadership in difficult and dangerous times. We
also know that our missionaries serving in Madagascar have
deeply appreciated b oth your leadership and your care for
them in this quickly changing si tuation.
"Please know that we join you in praying that, in the
co ming days, the desire for peace that God wills for all
people will ecl ipse human pride and plans, and that all
involved in the conflict will discover the path to
reconciliation for the sake of all those who liv e in
Madagascar," wrote Hanson and Malpica Padilla.
- - -
In formation about the Malagasy Lutheran Church is
available at http://ti on the ELCA Web
For information cont act:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or
http:/ /
ELCA News Blog:
Message: 2
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 13:46:16 -0500
Subject: ELCA Presiding Bishop Comments on Economy, Task Force
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plai n
Title: ELCA Presiding Bishop Comments on Economy, Task Force D ocuments
March 16, 2009
ELCA Presiding Bishop Comments on Economy, Task Force Documents
ITASCA, Ill. (ELCA) -- Noting that 2009 is "a difficult
ye ar," the presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
Americ a (ELCA) reported March 7 to the ELCA Conference of
Bishops, focusing on the effects of the economic downturn on the
ELCA, as well as two do cuments released Feb. 19 by the Task Force
for ELCA Studies on Sexuali ty.
The ELCA Conference of Bishops is an advisory body of the
chu rch, consisting of bishops who lead the 65 synods of the ELCA,
plus th e ELCA presiding bishop and ELCA secretary. The
conference met here Ma rch 5-10.
Bishops representing the nine regions of the ELCA reported
that income is generally flat or down in most synods. Hanson
con firmed that the ELCA churchwide organization has already
reduced its o perating budget by $1.5 million for 2009, and has
begun work on anothe r significant reduction, all of which will be
reported to the ELCA Chu rch Council, which meets March 27-29 in
Hanson said he i s aware that synod councils "are struggling
to share the burden" when expenses must be reduced. "How do we
distribute the results of that ac ross the whole ELCA, so that all
suffer and wear the burdens of the ot her?" he asked the
conference. The 21-year-old ELCA is built on the co ncept of
"interdependence," Hanson said.
Decision-making should b e based on four characteristics,
Hanson said: transparency; mutual res ponsibility for the
consequences of decisions; sustainability and viab ility of
ministries; and the "perception of disparities" and
prop ortionality between synods and the churchwide organization.
He also ca lled for "a commitment to a shared, common branding and
the use of the (ELCA) emblem."
Hanson said he was "grateful" for conversations on "H uman
Sexuality: Gift and Trust," a proposed ELCA social statement, and
a "Report and Recommendation on Ministry Policies," addressing
p ossible changes to ELCA ministry policies. That report
recommends chan ges to ministry policies that could make it
possible for people in com mitted same-gender relationships to
serve as ELCA associates in minist ry, deaconesses, diaconal
ministers and ordained ministers. Recommenda tions for each
document will be considered by the ELCA Churchwide Asse mbly Aug.
17-23 in Minneapolis.
"I think the challenge now in the coming months is: How to
hold these important conversations in a way that does not take on
a partisanship ... the polarization and the rhet oric of our so-
often divided society?" Hanson said. He said he hoped discussions
will show how Lutherans engage in important ministry decis ions
without causing division.
ELCA members tend to talk only wit h people who share the
same perspectives, Hanson said. He asked the sy nod bishops to
"broker relationships" and encourage congregations to e ngage one
"This is a time to call this church to prayer, " the
presiding bishop said. He suggested the possibility of 50 days o f
prayer leading up to the assembly, focusing on Scripture readings
for the churchwide assembly.
"I have great confidence in the Spirit , the wisdom of
assemblies. I think in the midst of adversity we do ou r best
evangelical, imaginative, missional work," Hanson said.
For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or
ELCA News Blog: http://ww
M essage: 3
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 11:41:41 -0700
From: Worldwide F aith News
Subject: Anglican Delegates Statement on United Nations Com mission on
the Status of Women
Messa ge-ID:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowe d
A Statement from Anglican Delegates to the 53rd Session of the United
Nations Commission on the Status of Women
Posted On : March 16, 2009 10:30 AM | Posted By : Webmaster
Related Categories: ACO - UN
This year's United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) was
focused on the priority theme: the equal sharing of responsibilit ies
between women and men, including caregiving in the context of HIV/ AIDS.
The Anglican Delegates at CSW 53 worked hard to ensure that they took
part in all aspects of the two week programme. They were delegat es
representing the Anglican Communion and supported by Anglican Women 's
Empowerment (AWE) and by a worship framework which in itself was
challenging and sustaining.
The delegates in reporting to the ir provinces recognize the progress
which has occurred in many countri es. The number of women in decision
making roles has increased and gir ls' access to education has improved.
The delegation learned about inn ovative services for those living with
HIV/AIDS; those involving faith communities, including Anglican
churches, were of particular interest .
While we focused on areas of success, there were multiple exam ples of
gender inequality that led the Anglican delegation at CSW to v oice
considerable concerns. Of special concern was the slow implementa tion of
the MDGs, their relation to gender equality and the resulting increased
suffering of women and girls. This is further exacerbated by the
HIV/AIDS pandemic.
We recognize that women and girls a re overwhelmingly the caregivers in
areas of high HIV prevalence. We e specially note that girls leave school
and are being deprived of educa tion as they act as caregivers for ill
parents or orphaned siblings. W omen find themselves forced to choose
between working to support their families and caring for infected family
members at home. Support serv ices are often limited, and offered by
women in the community who are under similar strains themselves. Some
formal programmes exist to targ et aid to these women but rarely include
them in decision making, and often continue to 'employ' them as
It is recogn ized that the financial crisis which is affecting the Global
Economy w ill affect women to a greater extent than men. This crisis is
an oppor tunity to involve women as equal participants in decision
making, and to ensure gender perspectives in financial decisions. This
requires vi gilance on the part of governments, civil society and the
church in ta rgeting funds to women.
The clear statement made at a plenary se ssion by the United Nations
Secretary General Ban Ki Moon that 3 milli on girls are still undergoing
female genital mutilation each year requ ires urgent further action by
all concerned. Multiple presentations hi ghlighted the association of
this, other acts of violence against wome n and girls, and the spread of
HIV. The lack of sexual and reproductiv e rights and education puts women
and girls at increased risk of HIV a nd in some areas of the world
married women are at highest risk. Innov ative prevention measures are
desperately needed. The vulnerability of women and girls in areas of
armed conflict and the use of sexual viol ence as a weapon of war is an
area of deep alarm. The delegates also r ecognize the challenges faced by
migrant and indigenous women and girl s; work is required throughout the
world to support and empower them.
It is evident that gender stereotyping is a major hindrance in moving
ahead and now needs to be addressed by clear action throughout the
world. Work must be done with men and boys as well as women and gi rls to
address harmful societal norms and practices. We ask churches a cross the
Anglican Communion to examine how they can champion the equa lity of men
and boys, and women and girls particularly with regard to caregiving.
____________________________________________________ _______________
ACNSlist, published by Anglican Communion News Service , London, is
distributed to more than 8,000 journalists and other read ers around
the world.
For subscription INFORMATION please g o to:
-- ----------------------------
Message: 4
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2 009 16:37:41 -0400
From: "Brad Pokorny"
Subject: Bahai News: Egy ptian court removes final barrier to identity
cards for Baha'is
T o: "Editors at WFN"
Message-ID: <022301c9a677$0edc56d0$2c950470$@net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Egyptian co urt removes final barrier to identity cards for Baha'is
Baha'i W orld News Service
For more inf ormation, contact:
Egyptian court removes final b arrier to identity cards for Baha'is
GENEVA - 16 March 2009 (BWN S) - A court in Egypt today removed any grounds
for preventing Baha'is from receiving proper official identity documents,
clearing the way f or an end to years of deprivation for Egyptian Baha'is -
and opening t he door to a new level of respect for religious privacy in
The Supreme Administrative Court dismissed an appeal by two Muslim lawyers
that sought to prevent implementation of a lower court ruling last year that
said Baha'is can leave blank the religious classificat ion field on official
documents, including all-important identity card s and birth certificates.
"We are pleased that the court has fin ally put this matter to rest, removing
any possible excuse that would prevent the government from issuing official
documents to Egyptian Bah a'is," said Bani Dugal, the principal
representative of the Baha'i Int ernational Community to the United Nations.
"Our expectation now is that the government will move swiftly to bring this
ruling into pr actice and, at long last, grant Baha'is the essential right
that all c itizens have of possessing proper documents."
Hossam Bahgat, dir ector of the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights
(EIPR), said the ruling actually goes far beyond the issue of rights for
Egyptian Baha' is.
"This is the first time that the Supreme Administrative Cour t has found that
any Egyptian has the right to keep their religious co nvictions private, even
if the state does not recognize their belief s ystem," said Mr. Bahgat, whose
organization handled legal representati on for Baha'is in court.
"The final ruling is a major victory fo r all Egyptians fighting for a state
where all citizens enjoy equal ri ghts regardless of their religion or
belief," he said.
Mr. Bahgat said that because the Supreme Administrative Court is the highest
court on such matters, there can be no further appeal to this case - and
that, therefore, there should be no delay in the government's impleme ntation
of the new policy.
"The government policy that just ified mistreatment of Egyptian Baha'is has
now been firmly and finally struck down," he said.
For nearly five years, since the governm ent began introducing a computerized
identity card system that locked out all religious classifications except
Islam, Christianity, and Juda ism, Baha'is have been unable to get documents
essential to day-to-day life. Among other things, they have been blocked
from obtaining educa tion, financial services, and even health care in
government hospitals .
In April 2006, a lower administrative court upheld the right o f Baha'is to
be explicitly identified on official documents. But in De cember that year,
the Supreme Administrative Court reversed that decis ion.
In a compromise, Baha'is proposed using a dash or the word "other" on
documents, instead of being forced to list themselves as Mu slim, Christian,
or Jewish, and, on 29 January 2008, a lower court aga in ruled in their
favor. But then two Muslim lawyers, who oppose anyth ing that might be seen
as even tacit recognition of the Baha'i Faith, filed an appeal.
In response, government officials took a "go sl ow" attitude on implementing
the lower court ruling, saying they wante d to wait until all legal issues
were cleared up.
The ruli ng today came in the case of 14-year-old twins Imad and Nancy Rauf
Hin di who have been deprived of birth certificates and were unable to
leg ally attend school in Egypt.
In recent weeks, several other case s involving Baha'is have been likewise
resolved in their favor. But th e Rauf Hindi twins' case was the final case
to be settled.
For more information, go to
-------------- ----------------
Message: 5
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2009 05:01:46 -0600
From: ""
Subject : re: Wfn-editors Digest, Vol 11, Issue 31
Message-ID: <856a 6ede2398417ab1813ab32a04c855@antarctic.HOSTONWIN.COM>
Content-Type: te xt/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
"Greetings in Jesus name from GRA CE MINISTRIES and Family."
The outcome of the Lord's inspiration for His MINISTRIES through the Holy spirit of God in at your hand in the l etter. Which will introduce you about our most motivality and powerful PRAY ERS given by the Lord to win the dying souls through "GRACE MINISTRIES " wh ich anon-profit charitable MINISTRIES of its own kind irrespective of cast and greed and at salutely based of faith.
For the great task of the lord. We three major strategies through which GRACE MINISTRIES can str ive forward to have come into existence to into theMINISTRIES in the time t o come it in now on the cradle and good nutrition in need to grow and to be come strong enough to set, walk and run in future
STRATEGY NO:1 : THE RURAL UPLEFTMENTFOR CHRIST Luke 19:10 it has been realized that most part of the rural areas of India are still beret inflators and undeveloped Educationally, physically economically, mentally, spiritually. As a matter of fact. The povertiness and illiteracy have made the people totally handi capped. They are apparently ignorant of the real definition of life but we believe the this project will definitely help us eradicate the bard predica ment of the communities and creed and awareness among them to the fact that salvation through Jesus Christ inartistically needed to enter into the kin gdom of God under the strategy No.1 we have planned to take the projects fr om orphaned organization to carry out the following things under the commun ity Development programmes which one as follows School Residential Schools, Computer education Centers. Adult education clinics, type institutes, libr aries, children coaching centers orphanages, widows disable persons, Tailor ing centers.
STRATEGY NO2 : THE BIBLE TRAINING CENTER FOR CHRIS T Mt 28:19,20 Needles to mention that India still need lot of young dedicat ed people to proclaim the Gospel away the dying souls to bring them into th e told of Christ. For this Real purpose of God. We very badly felt a need o f a Bible Training Centre where we can train the people and send them out f or the MINISTRY of God of Course, in the beginning we will not be able to s tart BTC three will be a short term-minor or for six months and a short ter m- Major 6 months Bible +training altogether. After completing STM first se mester there will be a gap of one year for practical during which time a ca ndidate will get an ample scope to prepare himself for STM second semester.
STRATEGY NO3: THE EVANGELISM FOR CHRIST Isa 52:7. 1) Personal Evangelism 2) mass Evangelism 3) Literature Evangelism, 4) Film Evangelism 5) Fallow-up Evangelism the above mentioned five types of Evangelism will o f obviously be playing a vital role in winning the souls for Christ in what soever conditions may be it will of cause continuously be dominating the en tire strategies to maintain the discipline unity and the integrity of GRACE MINISTRIES. However the ultimate goals of GRACE MINISTRIES into win the so uls in Christ in India away 100 crores of population there in only 22% Evan gelical Christians.
Let us resolve to come forward with GRACE M INISTRIES to implement the great task of the Lord it has taken on. Are you ready to be a part of it? Spend the time in the presence of the Lord think of the dying souls and take the final discretion to be a part of GRACE MINI STRIES. For which we shall ever pray to God for your long life and prosperi ty with thanks PLS MY
Y ours in
GRACE HOME-9/28/2,
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 1 0:31 PM
Subject: Wfn-editors Digest, Vol 11, Issue 31
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Today's Topics:
1. ELCA Treasurer Repor ts on Financial Outlook for 2009, 2008
--------------------------------------------------------------------- -
Message: 1
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 10:50:40 -0500
Fro m:
Subject: ELCA Treasurer Reports on Financial Outlook for 2009, 200 8
Message-ID: <3A60524D1B0E429FA118A83216ED5DE1>
Content-Type: text/plain
Title: ELCA Treasur er Reports on Financial Outlook for 2009, 2008 Results
March 16, 2009
ELCA Treasurer Reports on Financia l Outlook for 2009, 2008 Results
ITASCA, Ill. (EL CA) -- As economic uncertainty continues,
responding "quickly and stra tegically" to changes in income will
be critical to the continued fina ncial stability of the ELCA
churchwide organization and its capacity t o sustain its mission
and ministries, wrote Christina Jackson-Skelton, ELCA treasurer,
in a March 7 written report to the ELCA Conference of Bishops.
"This will require close work and collaboration with
ch urchwide units, synods and other partners," she wrote.
The ELCA Confer ence of Bishops is an advisory body of the
church, consisting of bisho ps who lead the 65 synods of the ELCA,
plus the ELCA presiding bishop and ELCA secretary. The
conference met here March 5-10.
For 2009 the treasurer said she is currently projecting the
ELCA churchwide org anization will receive about $64 million in
mission support, based on reports from synods. Mission support
funds are provided by congregatio ns to synods, which share a
portion of those funds with the churchwide organization. In 2008
mission support funds sent to the churchwide or ganization totaled
$65.3 million, down $1.3 million from what was fore cast. All of
the decrease in mission support occurred in January 2009, the
last month of the church's fiscal year, Jackson-Skelton wrote.
The churchwide organization has already reduced its
operating budge t by about $1.5 million for 2009, and another
adjustment will need to be made, she said, emphasizing that
income estimates have been changin g rapidly. Churchwide income
adjustments will be reported to the ELCA Church Council, which
meets March 27-29 in Chicago. The council determ ines the
churchwide organization's spending authorization.
For fi scal year 2008 the chuchwide organization had income
over expenses of $3.2 million in current operating funds, up
$600,000 from the previous year, Jackson-Skelton said.
"In the midst of a lot of economic turmoi l in this economy,
we really do feel we have a lot to be grateful for as we look at
our financial results ... because they represent a good stability
for the churchwide organization for the fiscal year 2008," s he
told the conference.
ELCA World Hunger Appeal contributions in 2008 were
$22 million, up $100,000 over 2007. Direct gifts for World
Hunger declined significantly in the fourth quarter, but income
from bequests and trusts more than compensated for the decrease,
Jacks on-Skelton said. As a result of the reduction in direct
gifts for Worl d Hunger, Jackson-Skelton said the Church Council
will be asked to red uce the 2009 World Hunger budget from
$20.6 million to $18.7 million.
The total budget for the ELCA churchwide organization is
about $ 105 million, including income for the current operating
budget, world hunger and other sources.
For information contact:
John Bro oks, Director (773) 380-2958 or
ELCA News Blog:
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http://wfn. org/mailman/listinfo/
End of Wfn-editors Dige st, Vol 11, Issue 31
Message: 6
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2009 05:08:45 -0600
From: " "
Subject: re: Wfn-editors Digest, Vol 11, Issue 31
Message-ID: <1ec1091e7dfb48dfa96ff5609c579a6e@antarctic.HOSTONWIN.COM>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
The Beatitu des {JESUS ] began to teach them, saying:
"Blessed are the poor in spr it,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mo urn,
for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
for t hey will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger
and thir st for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
Blessed are the me rciful,
for they will be shown mercy,
Blessed are the pure in hea rt,
for they will see GOd.
Grace ministries
ESR koti reddy
---------------------- ------------------
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 10:31 PM
Subject: Wfn-editors Digest, Vol 11, Issue 31
Send Wfn-editors mailing l ist submissions to
To subscribe or unsu bscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
You can reach the pe rson managing the list at
When re plying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of Wfn-editors digest..."
Today's Topics:
1 . ELCA Treasurer Reports on Financial Outlook for 2009, 2008
Results ( NEWS@ELCA.ORG)
------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
Message: 1
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 10: 50:40 -0500
Subject: ELCA Treasurer Reports on Financial O utlook for 2009, 2008
Message-ID: <3A60524D1B0E>
Content-Type: text/plain
Title: ELCA Treasurer Reports on Financial Outlook for 2009, 2008 Result s
March 16, 2009
ELCA Treasur er Reports on Financial Outlook for 2009, 2008 Results
ITASCA, Ill. (ELCA) -- As economic uncertainty continues,
respon ding "quickly and strategically" to changes in income will
be critical to the continued financial stability of the ELCA
churchwide organizat ion and its capacity to sustain its mission
and ministries, wrote Chri stina Jackson-Skelton, ELCA treasurer,
in a March 7 written report to the ELCA Conference of Bishops.
"This will require close work and coll aboration with
churchwide units, synods and other partners," she wrote .
The ELCA Conference of Bishops is an advisory body of the
churc h, consisting of bishops who lead the 65 synods of the ELCA,
plus the ELCA presiding bishop and ELCA secretary. The
conference met here Marc h 5-10.
For 2009 the treasurer said she is currently projecting the
ELCA churchwide organization will receive about $64 million in
miss ion support, based on reports from synods. Mission support
funds are p rovided by congregations to synods, which share a
portion of those fun ds with the churchwide organization. In 2008
mission support funds sen t to the churchwide organization totaled
$65.3 million, down $1.3 mill ion from what was forecast. All of
the decrease in mission support occ urred in January 2009, the
last month of the church's fiscal year, Jac kson-Skelton wrote.
The churchwide organization has already reduced it s
operating budget by about $1.5 million for 2009, and another
ad justment will need to be made, she said, emphasizing that
income estim ates have been changing rapidly. Churchwide income
adjustments will be reported to the ELCA Church Council, which
meets March 27-29 in Chica go. The council determines the
churchwide organization's spending auth orization.
For fiscal year 2008 the chuchwide organization had income
over expenses of $3.2 million in current operating funds, up
$60 0,000 from the previous year, Jackson-Skelton said.
"In the midst of a lot of economic turmoil in this economy,
we really do feel we have a lot to be grateful for as we look at
our financial results ... because they represent a good stability
for the churchwide organization for t he fiscal year 2008," she
told the conference.
ELCA World Hunger Appeal contributions in 2008 were
$22 million, up $100,000 over 2007. Direct gifts for World
Hunger declined significantly in the fourth qua rter, but income
from bequests and trusts more than compensated for th e decrease,
Jackson-Skelton said. As a result of the reduction in dire ct
gifts for World Hunger, Jackson-Skelton said the Church Council
will be asked to reduce the 2009 World Hunger budget from
$20.6 mil lion to $18.7 million.
The total budget for the ELCA churchwide organi zation is
about $105 million, including income for the current operati ng
budget, world hunger and other sources.
For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or
ht tp://
ELCA News Blog:
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