ABNS: Haiti One Year Later: American Baptist Rebuilding Efforts After The Earthquake
From ABNS <ABNS@abc-usa.org>Date Wed, 12 Jan 2011 14:16:30 +0000
VALLEY FORGE, PA (ABNS 1/12/11)-One year ago today a devastating 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck southern Haiti about 16 miles west of the nation's capitol Port-au-Prince. In less than 60 seconds, major portions of the area were left in shambles and lives were changed forever. Massive casualties resulted. More than 1 million people became homeless, 4,000 schools were destroyed and then months later, thousands were struck by a cholera epidemic. American Baptists were deeply affected by the suffering of brothers and sisters in Christ and they responded with an extraordinary level of giving. As of December 31, 2010, $2.8 million was given for Haiti relief through One Great Hour of Sharing. (Click to read more)<http://www.abc-usa.org/Resources/AmericanBaptistNewsService/tabid/79/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/233/Haiti-One-Year-Later-American-Baptist-Rebuilding-Efforts-After-The-Earthquake.aspx http://www.abc-usa.org/Resources/AmericanBaptistNewsService/tabid/79/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/233/Haiti-One-Year-Later-American-Baptist-Rebuilding-Efforts-After-The-Earthquake.aspx