Former UCC President Suspended Pending "program of growth"
From Worldwide Faith News <>Date Fri, 21 Jan 2011 12:47:48 -0800
Former GMP has ministerial standing suspended pending 'program of growth'
Written by Gregg Brekke January 21, 2011
The Western Reserve Association's Department of Church and Ministry has suspended the ministerial standing of the Rev. John Thomas, the UCC's former general minister and president, for at least a year with reinstatement pending completion of a "program of growth."
United Church News reported a statement from the UCC's Collegium of officers in August 2010 that said, "The Rev. John H. Thomas, former general minister and president, has shared with UCC leaders, including the current Collegium of Officers, Conference Ministers and others, that he and his wife, Lynda, are in the process of divorcing, and that he has formed a relationship with another woman with whom he worked while in Cleveland."
The decision of a ministerial fitness review conducted by the Western Reserve Association of the United Church of Christ's Ohio Conference was released today to the UCC's Parish Life and Leadership team in Cleveland.
The Rev. David T. Hill, acting chair of the Western Reserve Association Department of Church and Ministry and pastor of The First Church (UCC) in Oberlin, Ohio, submitted the following statement:
"Please be advised that The Department of Church and Ministry of the Western Reserve Association of the Ohio Conference of the United Church of Christ has suspended the ministerial standing of Rev. John Thomas for a period of no less than 12 months with reinstatement of standing contingent upon completion of a prescribed program of growth."
The Western Reserve Association is comprised of 80 churches located in the northeast corner of Ohio, and is one of five Associations in the UCC's Ohio Conference. Members of the Association's Department of Church and Ministry, made up of clergy and lay members, conducted the review and issued their findings.
According to the UCC's Manual on Ministry, while suspended, "[a] person cannot perform the functions of the ministry for which he or she has been authorized."
Thomas, who served for 10 years as general minister and president, left office at the end of his term in September 2009. Due to term limitations, he was ineligible to seek re-election. Thomas is now a visiting professor in church ministries and special assistant to the president at UCC-related Chicago Theological Seminary.
Asked for a response to the committee's decision, Thomas responded, "I find it incomprehensible that within twelve hours of being informed on the telephone of the WRA Committee on Ministry's decision regarding my fitness review, that word has been communicated to PLL, from them to you, and now is about to be communicated publicly by the United Church of Christ. This is before I have received formal written notice, before I have the opportunity to share this word with my family, before I have had time to speak to my immediate colleagues at CTS including President Hunt, and before I have had time to reflect with close colleagues on how I should begin to consider my response to WRA.
"Quite apart from lacking any sense of human decency, this so violates what I understand to be concern for the sanctity and confidentiality of church and ministry proceedings, or the concern for covenantal responsibility among settings of the church, as to be breathtaking. However, given the voyeuristic nature of the church's approach to intimate details of my personal life over the past few months, I guess I should not be surprised."
The Rev. Bob Molsberry, the UCC's Ohio Conference Minister, issued the following statement: "The findings of the Committee on Ministry of the Western Reserve Association of the Ohio Conference regarding former General Minister and President, John Thomas, while they took longer to produce than expected or desired, were arrived at through a careful, prayerful and prescribed process.
"In the United Church of Christ, the ecclesiastical standing of our pastors, including that of national officers, is held in local Associations. Duly elected committees of clergy and non-clergy volunteers adjudicate issues of fitness for ministry that come before them. We continue to hold in prayer all who were involved, and to do what we can to provide support for all the parties who have been impacted."
Current UCC General Minister and President the Rev. Geoffrey A. Black commented, "We are reminded that in matters of concern regarding possible boundary violations by ministers authorized by the United Church of Christ, it is the responsibility of the Association Committee on Ministry to respond by carefully conducting a fitness review in accordance with the policies, practices and guidelines outline in the UCC Manual On Ministry.
"While I am very saddened by the course of events leading to the decision of the Western Reserve Association Committee on Ministry, I want to acknowledge the thoughtfulness with which the committee and staff adjudicated this very difficult review. It is my hope that concerned parties feel that they have been carefully listened to and appropriately cared for during the committee's process. It is my prayer that as a church, we will be gracious and compassionate with each other and move forward together in search of healing and reconciliation."